BSMEE Thornbury Exhibition


BSMEE Thornbury Exhibition

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  • #124190

      Hi everyone,

      The BSMEE Thornbury Exhibition is on August 16th, 17 & 18th. Free Parking
      Now 4 Large HallsPlease all ME and MEW members come look me up and have a chat I will be on the club stand usually encourageing people to try the lathe.
      See you there
      Bob Thomson

      Edited By Springbok on 10/07/2013 05:33:32


          .This purple one is the guy you are trying to avoid angel



            Hi Baz
            Look forward to meeting up again.



              For everyone on this forum just a reminder to come up and chat to the old git in the purple shirt
              My B1 Springbok has now got it's boiler fitted and will be on the club stand.
              Look at the half page Ad we have in latest ME for details.


                Hey Bob, not putting Bristol in the title made me have to think a bit to find this thread. face 5

                Rain is on the way. I'm coming on Friday in my little car so please arrange the car park so that cars fan out immediately in all directions from the entrance. Not all going down one path that quickly turns to mud. Lat year I actually needed difflock though admittedly I had the heavy trailer behind.

                Just an idea but forum visitors could perhaps gather around the BSMEE stand at 2pm each day to meet? I'll probably forget now.

                Sub Mandrel

                  I hope he's washed that shirt since last year…



                    Got a posh one with club logo on it now


                    Bob Perkins

                      Hi Bob

                      I'll look out for you on Sunday and say hello if your about.



                        Hi – Will be at the 2pm "meet" on Friday – Mine's a very strong black coffee – "Get the Kettle on"


                        David Clark 13

                          Does anyone know if Diane is going to Bristol?

                          John Stevenson 1

                            Why ? Aren't you talking ?

                            DC1 to DC2, come in ground control.

                            Houston are you reading me ?

                            Chris Parsons

                              The 2pm meet up is a nice idea?

                              I'm going on Sunday and will be hanging around (looking lost probably)

                              Chris Parsons

                              David Clark 13

                                Hi John Stevenson

                                We can't talk as Diane is on holiday.

                                regards David

                                Martin Cottrell

                                  I'll be there on Sunday. I believe usual convention is for participants to carry a red rose so as to be easily recognised on a blind date. In our case this would be rather naff and possibly lead onlookers to form some embarrassingly incorrect conclusions! I shall therefore substitute the red rose for a more manly selection of show purchased bar stock in an attempt to attract fellow forum members into deep and meaningful conversation!!

                                  Looking forward to another great Bristol show!

                                  Regards, Martin.


                                    Good idea about the bar stock, see you at 1400hrs on Saturday.

                                    Regards IDP


                                      Been today (Friday) had quick talk with Springbok on the Bristol stand – Lots of people milling arround – Very good Show Well worth the visit – Bought some goodies ?"dont know if I realy need them"

                                      Hope all who visit have as good a day as I did.


                                        Friday: I had already lugged my several heavy bars of manly steel to the far end of the car park by the meeting time.
                                        Met up with Coalburner at 2pm and had a nice chat. One problem is we couldn't tell if anyine else was a forum member hanging around or just looking at the exhibits. The BSMEE stand is rather large and in several sections. I suggest standing by the small lathe around the allotted time rather than being distracted by the superb 4 in Burrell as I was.

                                        Met up with Bob too later on for a chat and a wlecome offer of a seat for a few minutes before getting back to the action. Spent all my cash and some more so the traders should be dining out tonight.
                                        Camera packed up after two shots so no pictures this year.

                                        John Stevenson 1

                                          I'll have a wander down on Saturday because I have to be that end of the country collecting bits and bobs anyway.

                                          Sub Mandrel

                                            > I had already lugged my several heavy bars of manly steel to the far end of the car park by the meeting time.

                                            Is girly steel lighter and easier to carry?

                                            Went past Bristol twice yesterday – once ina campervan, on the train coming back. Sadly not a jot of a chance of stopping off

                                            Perhaps there can be a meetup at MMEX?


                                            Bob Perkins

                                              Had a really good day today at the BSMEE. Lots to see and lots to buy! Had a quick intro with Bob. Picked up the a few bits to finish my grandad/grandson little Tubal Cain Polly meths engine and a Set of Stuart V10 castings for grandad………


                                                Great show, lots to see and buy teeth 2 spent a few enjoyable hours there today.


                                                  Posted by Bazyle:

                                                  "Met up with Coalburner at 2pm and had a nice chat."

                                                  I've obviously got a stunt double as I was ensconsed in my workship all weekend, so whoever you met it most certainly wasn't the real CoalBurner!



                                                  AKA CB


                                                    Sorry about that. I wonder who it was. A brief mention of names as we met and I must have latched onto a name that rang a bell. Your 'double' is a nice friendly bloke from Lancashire and I've probably got that wrong too, but definately up north.

                                                    Bill Dawes

                                                      Went to show yesterday (Sunday) I have been to a couple of shows at Sandown and somehow expected Bristol to be a small show at the local leisure centre. Have to say was very impressed with show and the venue, in a nice setting as well.

                                                      Good to see plenty of children there as well, the tireless efforts of the man on the Meccano stand with his exploding battleship seemed to be going down very well with the kids. If engineering rubs off on just a few of them it will be good for the future of UK plc.

                                                      An added bonus, it was only 50 minutes from where I live in Somerset rather than 3 hours to Sandown.

                                                      Bill D.

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