Hello All, I have come across this form whilst searching for ideas to get my old Brook Motor going. I am going someone may be able to help me out.
I have an old single phase Brook Motor. I have 3 other Brook Motors , one of which is 1936 and this one looks older. I wonder if anyone knows the estimated date.
Anyway, the motor has two windings in it (which are not connected) and from my limited research this appears to be a split phase motor. The Ohms of one windings are 3, and the other 1.4.
I tried the motor on one of the pair of windings and it works.
The starter that comes with it is in very bad condition, it is a Manual starter, with a hand wheel, meaning I assume you start it with both windings, then move it to the full on position that disengages the starting winding. I have never seen a starter like this before. It has lots of springs in the back which I assume act as capacitors.
Does anyone know if there is a way I can wire this motor up without using the starter I have. Is there a manual switch you can use rather than a centrifugal switch for example. The starter really is in bad condition and whilst I may want to repair it in the future, I do no have the time currently.
Any help would be much appreciated as I am not very familiar with these types of motor and would like to wire it up so.I can use it.
Many Thanks
Richard Williams