Bromsgrove SME


Bromsgrove SME

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    David Deaville


      I’m new to here, are there any members of the Bromsgrove club here ?

      I would like to get to know some and hopefully join the club.

      I have been there once this year but turning up on your own not knowing anyone is not that easy.


      Dave D.


        I’m not sure if he regularly reads this forum but Bromsgrove member Keith B who is well known in G1 and 16mm circles always comes on the Gaugeone3Dcircle zoom call every week. Even if you are not into these scales or printing/CAD these calls cover railway and modelling aspects too and we have even had a New Zealander get up early to join the regular Canadian and EU participants.

        Robin Dufton
          On David Deaville Said:

          I have been there once this year but turning up on your own not knowing anyone is not that easy.

          It should be. I suspect they’re like Portsmouth’s model engineering club where it’s a closed little club for them and their friends. And then they sit and wonder why their club and hobby is dying.

          vic newey
            On Robin Dufton Said:
            On David Deaville Said:

            I have been there once this year but turning up on your own not knowing anyone is not that easy.

            It should be. I suspect they’re like Portsmouth’s model engineering club where it’s a closed little club for them and their friends. And then they sit and wonder why their club and hobby is dying.

            Many clubs for various activities advertise ” new members always welcome” but when you turn up nobody comes near as though they are suspicious of anyone they don’t know.


              Oh I do hate it when people present this sort of view of ME clubs. Actually it is the same for churches and other types of club.
              Half the people there can’t remember if they saw you last week so every person is a ‘new member’. If you come in and sit in a seat on your own they will think you are happy do so.
              1) Always say hello to everyone you pass. Some will think they are supposed to know who you are so will start talking to you.
              2) Keep saying your name. They will instantly forget the first three times. Sometimes I forget the treasurer’s name but I’ve only known him 25 years. In my club you can always call people ‘Mike’ as 50% of the time you will be right.
              3) If you don’t like talking about locomotives no problem talk about some other aspect of engineering, being old, food, grumbling about well just about anything and they will respond.
              4) After a while ask to be pointed to a member of the committee. Chances are most club members won’t have a clue who those people are but might say ‘er, Bob probably knows’ so ask to be introduced to Bob. Then see if anyone knows who Bob is.
              5) if you sit down do so next to someone and start talking to them, and the person in front or behind.
              6) Try being distinctive. EG wear a bright red hat. People will remember that next time.

              I have visited clubs on 3 continents and always been welcomed. A guided traintour from Los Angles and Cambridge, free lunch and cap from Boxhill (Melbourne) to name a few.

              Harry Wilkes

                As Vice Chair of the Black Country Live Steamers I can say if anyone turns up at our monthly meeting they are given a warm welcome by our members.


                Howard Lewis

                  At Peterborough Society of Model Engineers we make welcome any new faces, and try to help if anyone approaches us.

                  On my visits to Hereford and Worthing have always been made welcome.

                  Have never been given the cold shoulder by any of the club stands at exhibitions.

                  Don’t be put off by the bad experiences of one person.

                  Obviously, you will find folk with a common interest chatting together, but everyone has experiences which can be of use to others, and happy to share.


                  David Anderson 1

                    H David,

                    I am a member at Bromsgrove SME,

                    We are actually a very friendly club but one cannot always recognize a new member.

                    Most of us are of an age where we forget names.

                    I personally try to wear my members badge so I can be correctly named.

                    There will not be much action in December/Jan due to the weather.

                    Sunday Dec our last official running day

                    but the following message has recently  been sent by our Chairman:


                    Subject: December running


                    The Museum is open during December.

                    We have a allocated a team to operate on December 3rd, however if we can arrange sufficient members we could additionally operate  10th and 17th .

                    We have not committed to operate on these days it would be dependent on volunteers from our members.

                    If you are able to attend on any of these two dates please let me know.

                    I already have one volunteer for 10th.

                    The museum will be closed to the public from 17th December.

                    December 27th is of course a Wednesday a good day for a run between Christmas and New Year, bring along any spare mince pies and sausage rolls.


                    Peter Maybury,



                    So David, introduce yourself to me if I am in site and I will show you the ropes.

                    Happy Steaming

                    David Anderson



                    John Doe 2
                      On vic newey Said:
                      On Robin Dufton Said:
                      On David Deaville Said:

                      I have been there once this year but turning up on your own not knowing anyone is not that easy.

                      It should be. I suspect they’re like Portsmouth’s model engineering club where it’s a closed little club for them and their friends. And then they sit and wonder why their club and hobby is dying.

                      Many clubs for various activities advertise ” new members always welcome” but when you turn up nobody comes near as though they are suspicious of anyone they don’t know.

                      Many engineering types have Asperger’s – the part of the brain normally used for empathy and human interaction is used for engineering instead. This makes engineer types clever at what we do but can be less interactive and less forthcoming, especially with someone they don’t know. They tend to congregate into little groups such as engineering clubs, where they are amongst people who think the same way they do.

                      This can happen with another hobby I do, where you can also find Asperger’s people, (including myself); church bellringing. You climb the stairs in a tower you have never been to and are confronted by a group of people looking at you. The tower captain should welcome you, but sometimes they don’t, and can seem aloof and stand-offish. It is just not easy for them to interact ‘normally’.

                      So you have to be brave and take the initiative and introduce yourself. Quite often, this will break the awkwardness they feel. It might take a few weeks !


                      David Deaville

                        Some very interesting replies, thankyou so much.


                        David Anderson, do you know when you might be going there next ?



                        Dave D.

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