Could you advise me please chaps, as you perhaps know, from a previous post, I am planning to mill an I beam out of 1/2 square bar.
I've looked for suitable material on eBay but so far not found any stocks of 1/2" square in mild steel, to the length I need, 1m (plenty of 12mm which is unfortunately, just under size).
Most seem to offer bright mild steel which if I am correct, is 1) tougher to mill and 2) more likely to banana.
Is this correct? If so, could anyone recommend a reasonable cost supplier who could supply the material I need, please?
I think in one of my previous posts, a kind poster gave a link to a shop on eBay, but they don't seem to have it either.
Ideally I'd like to keep cutting to a minimum hence buying the correct 1/2 square stock, rather than buying an oversize piece and milling it down therefore (hopefully) keeping the banana's to a minimum.
Edited By Chris Hammond on 23/01/2017 16:13:41