Bridgeport Motor speed


Bridgeport Motor speed

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  • #383510
    Bob Astill

      hi all i have bought an old J head Bridgeport and the motor spins to fast now it appears that someone has fitted a new Fwd & Rev switch but only a 2 position i have been told that it should have a 5 position one as it is a two speed motor as it has 6 wires coming from it my question is where would i find a drum switch with High & Low speed in forward and reverse? i do no even know what to search for also anyone have a drawing on how to wire it when i find one or something that will do the job?

      Many thanks

      Bob Astill

        Drum Switch

        Clive Foster


          Its a cam switch you need not a drum. Something like this style **LINK** . I got a 3 position Krause and Namier one for my single speed Varispeed head. Had a right nightmare figuring out which of the E-Bay sellers options was suitable. But 1/4 list price made it all worth while.

          I have a wiring diagram that includes the switch terminal connections for the UK 6 wire 2 speed motor. PM me your E-Mail and I'll shoot it over via a file transfer service. Too big for E-Mail. Without the motor to hand I'm dammed if I can figure it out tho'. Should be easy enough for anyone who knows two speed motors to work out what switch configuration you need.

          I'll do some more digging over the next few days and maybe something more useful like a switch part number or exact configuration and connection details will turn up.

          Do remember that the switch is for setting on-off, speed and forward-reverse. The contractors handle the actual power switching. Using the switch to actually turn the motor on or off will burn it out in short order.


          Clive Foster


            This **LINK** or this **LINK** could be promising.

            But apparently no wiring data.

            Maybe there will be a sticker on the box like this one has **LINK**. . Blowing up the picture of the wiring sticker on my computer makes it just about legible. Wiring links show up OK but the connection table is faint and would have to be carefully re written. Maybe it would print better?

            Advise help from knowledgeable motor man when fitting as its been bodged before so you don't know exactly what has been done.


            John Reese


              I have the same switch as shown in your 3rd link. I contacted the vendor to get a legible wiring diagram. He sent me a blow up of the diagram shown on the eBay page. If you have a magnifying glass you can make out the wire designations stamped on the switch.

              Bob Astill

                Thank you for the replies.

                Message sent Clive thank you

                Hi John do you have a 2 speed Bridgeport and does the switch work ok? what one is it you have Clives 3rd link brings up 3 for me?


                Bob Astill

                  I have ordered one so lets hope its right


                  Bob Astill

                    Hi all i have bought one off these switches my motor has 6 wire from it but i can not find a drawing on what goes where the place i had the switch from Flebay are not much help can anyone do me a drawing for a simpleton like myself please

                    Cheers Bob



                      It would help to know if the motor has 2 sets of windings (High speed & Low speed) that work independently or windings that need Dahlander or other configuration for speed control.

                      Isn't there any clue on the motor plate or even inside the terminal cover ?


                      Bob Astill

                        thank you for the reply there is just 6 wires coming out the motor it is an early Bridgeport milling machine with 2 speeds in forward and 2 speeds in reverse i cannot see a motor plate on it



                          If the motor is 3 phase 415v working with 2 sets of windings (Hi & Lo) and you have a 3 phase supply then connecting a switch should be fairly straightforward once you have identified switching arrangement of the cam switch.

                          If you are confident using a multimeter then you could identify the 2 sets of windings and also check switching arrangement of the switch if no drawing is available, it will however be rather time consuming and you will have to make notes as you progress.

                          Hopefully someone with a similar machine may yet step up with some advice.


                          Bob Astill

                            Thank you for that if all else fails i will have to pay an electrician to come and have a look at it thank you for all your help.


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