Hi Andrew
Be wary, very wary.
Obviously Martin believes that you are going to run your engine on gas. A coal fired boiler produces a hot sulphur bearing atmosphere that destroys joints made with copper phosphorus alloys. Depending on the quality of joint, your engine might run for a couple of occasions. Not a problem if you enyoy building the boiler and subsequent ones. Can't believe that suggestion!
As regards using oxy-acetylene, be equally careful. Such torches in the hands of an amateur creates more problems than it solves. Unless you make sure that you know what you want to achieve and how to do it, a whole catalogue of disasters awaits. Melted copper and brass, weak joints caused by the filler metal not penetrating the joint, excessive use of silver solder.
Make sure you use the experience and knowledge of someone who knows. Check the members profile.
Brazing is a very simple process as long as you understand it. If you don't then expect problems . Talk to your material suppliers and people who understand the process.
Why do you think that professional boiler makers charge what they do?
Mind how you go.
Get professional advice.