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      I got back from a week away yesterday and whilst I was there I sampled the local Brandy. I’ve never really been a brandy drinker but I really got to like Metaxa 5 star and 7 star. I always assumed Metaxa was just a cheap alternative to the French stuff but given the choice I came back with a litre bottle of the Metaxa 7 star. The Martell VS was ok but of the French stuff I tried I preferred the rather pricey Hennessy XO. The allowance these days is four litres and in hindsight I should have bought a selection back including the Metaxa 5 star Greek Orange, maybe next time. 😋

      pgk pgk

        I can’t say I’m a brandy drinker so I looked it up. Apparently it’s blended with wine before aging which doubtless takes some of the harsher notes away. What’s important of course is enjoyment!

        I had similar issues with rum. The British dark stuff just tastes like burnt sugar but holidays in the Carribbean introduced me to some rather pleasing Jamaican rums that are quite more-ish


          Pedant alert, but Metaxa isn’t Brandy!

          I expect a connoisseur would be upset by the mistake.  Not me, I’m happy if I like the taste!


          duncan webster 1

            When I drank Metaxa in Greece I thought they’d got mixed up with the paint stripper. Marginally worse than retsina if that is possible

              On SillyOldDuffer Said:

              Pedant alert, but Metaxa isn’t Brandy!

              I expect a connoisseur would be upset by the mistake.  Not me, I’m happy if I like the taste!


              I’ve had some very good sparkling wine produced outside the Champagne region, and some rather unpalatable stuff produced inside.

              Peter Greene
                On Vic Said:

                The allowance these days is four litres

                Lucky sods!

                  On Vic Said:
                  On SillyOldDuffer Said:

                  Pedant alert, but Metaxa isn’t Brandy!

                  I expect a connoisseur would be upset by the mistake.  Not me, I’m happy if I like the taste!


                  I’ve had some very good sparkling wine produced outside the Champagne region, and some rather unpalatable stuff produced inside.

                  Me too!   I have a sweet tooth and prefer Prosecco.

                  My 3 worst drinks were:

                  • A French Red wine, can’t remember what it was, but the bottle came wired into a stack of 2×5!  Extremely cheap.  I suspect the French use it for cooking if they have to, but prefer to sell it to bargain hunting Brits.
                  • British Wine bought in Moffat, Scotland circa 1980.  Also very cheap.   Label said it was made from a blend of fruit juice concentrates…
                  • A local Ouzo brought back from Greece by a mate who persuaded me it should be gulped neat.  Wow! I went purple, and my glasses steamed up.  Even drunk properly, diluted, it was vile.

                  Young folk today don’t know they’re born. Not had anything nasty for years from a UK supermarket.  In the good old days, fine wine had anti-freeze in it, and yer dad fancied himself with a Boots kit and rhubarb.


                    On SillyOldDuffer Said:

                    Pedant alert, but Metaxa isn’t Brandy!

                    I was looking for some of the Orange Metaxa Brandy and came across this site. Not the only one either to list Metaxa as a Brandy.


                    Michael Gilligan
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