Boxford belt


Boxford belt

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  • #737925
    john steel 1

      I have a boxford lathe AUD metal lathe and I bought a new belt a few months ago took three links out. But I am turning a large pully wheel and the belt is slipping I have taken another link out but it was very difficult prizing the belt back on is there any way to get the belt back on by slackening a bearing or some method. Or is it the pully wheel to large I am turning and I will have to take a mm each time which will take ages


        How large is the large pulley wheel you are turning? And what material is it? What tool are you using?

        For HSS toolbits, jobs over 2 inches diameter and steel or 4 inches diameter and aluminium/Mazak, you might need to use back gear to knock revs down to 100rpm or less, which will also increase torque and reduce belt slipping.

        What kind of belt is it? Some of the budget link belts use plastic links that tend to slip easily. The better quality brands such as Fenner are more popular for this reason.


          The spindle belt tension is adjustable by loosing the bearings for the pulley, they should be mounted on slots, just pull the shaft over and tighten then adjust the bottom pulley tension to compensate the change in the lower belt by tightening  or loosing the justifiable rod used for speed change. Hope this makes sense, if you read this whilst looking at the belts it should help.

          Speedy Builder5

            On my AUD, you can undo 3 bolts on the side of the cabinet and drop the intermediate shaft, take out an extra link or two and then “jack” the shaft back down to stretch the link belt. Not all link belts are good and I soon got rid of a cheap belt and replaced it for one from a credible supplier!

            Nicholas Farr

              Hi, I think it’s only the Vari-Speed and the MK. 1 that have the adjustable bearings, mine is a MK. 2, and the intermediate shaft has fixed bearings.


              If you take the belt off the pulley on the intermediate shaft, and let it hang loose on the R/H side, then put the belt onto the spindle pulley, you may be able to use a bicycle tyre lever, or something similar, to lever it over the intermediate shaft pulley, while turning the spindle, via the chuck or the belt on the stepped pullies. If it won’t go on without undue force, your belt is probably too short. Yes the quality of the link belt will make all the difference, Brammer link belting is one of the best, but can be pricy.

              Regards Nick.

              john steel 1

                I will try useing the back gear thank you for your replys

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