Get a backplate from ARC and go for it. Most backplates have enough meat on them to be re-machined more than once for new chucks so, at worst, think of it as practice. You will need to get a backplate as well if you do just go and buy a new-new chuck.
I have a backplate that has worn at least four different chucks, maybe more as at least one set of holes has been enlarged or shifted. I've modified it twice more so far!
A 3 jaw isn't a precision device when it comes to maintaining concentricity when removing and replacing parts so odds are your YAMA will work perfectly well for all normal jobs. Even if it is a bit out when compared to a high end precision version. Being new its going to grip better than an old, worn chuck. Which is much more important.
Hafta say that at the lower end of the market there is a good deal of luck involved in how good and how concentric the chuck is.
I have a cheap, Chinese made, small chuck on a 5C mount bought many years ago back in the days when low end import was a serious lottery to use on a Spindexer. Finish is OK but everything about the design screams cheap-cheap-cheap. Right down to the short 2 1/2 ring scroll. Plugged into the 5C native spindle of my Smart & Brown 1024 its performance isn't far short of the precision Pratt Bernerd the machine normally wears which was something like10 times the price.
Edited By Clive Foster on 16/02/2022 19:23:42