This is my first post, sorry if i dont put as much information as needed, would be grateful for any help.
I have a secondhand Boxford 250PC, have had it for 2 years, works as expected. It has sat unused due to lack of time for almost a year I think, and I have just tried to get working videos to sell it.
The X+ overtravel sensor/ limit seems to be stuck on, and i cant figure out where it is to even begin to fault find with it. The error is coming up on the PC, and has limited the machine to X- jog slowly only, which is normal for an overtravel trigger. Normally you jog it off the sensor, then your free to use all the functions on the machine. But the X axis can be jogged all the way to the X- stop, and the sensor is still ON. Has anyone experienced this? or know where to find it? I have taken the cover off the turret and cant find anything obvious.