Hi All
Boring bar holder for ¾’’ boring bars in the lathe
This is a very simple project, so simple it has taken me quite a while to get around to it!
Some time back I purchased a set of carbide tip (The brazed on type) boring bars together with an adjustable boring bar holder for the milling machine. The bars can be can also be used in the lathe, For a long time I have used them by setting them between a couple of V centre packing strips together with the usual stack of thin packing pieces to set the boring bar to the correct centre height. This “lash up” was always a little suspect, and not particularly rigid.
I happened upon a piece of one inch square black steel it was covered in thick rust. However with the rust removed it would be fine for the job.
My lathe uses 1 inch tooling with a 2” clamping space; you will have to adjust the centre height and material size for your particular lathe.
Attached are a few photos describing the processes I used to make the holder.
A length of 1″ x 1″ mild steel was skimmed all over and centred in the 4 Jaw
chuck. The white line is a piece of copy paper to create clearence to allow clamping
down on the boring bar after boring.
Rough drilling a 13 mm x 55mm deep hole prior to boring

The rough drilled hole was fine bored to a firm push fit using a boring bar
as a gauge. (The last time the “lash Up” will be used)
The Asian holders are quite good The different lengths and widths allow you to minimise overhang for a given size, the smallest hole being about 12.6mm
Edited By John McNamara on 04/09/2011 15:06:01