I acquired ( for another problem) the 30mm boring head from ARC which came with a couple of tools.
I wanted a 22mm hole through a 25.4mm square lump of aluminium, so thought it would be a good project to try it out on. The hole came out well in the end, but I was clearly doing something wrong. Not sure if t was speeds ( tried several from 500 – 1500), feed rate – I was feeding the boring head into the work using the quill, or the setup of the tool.
But I was making some very odd swarf even though the hole was all the way through the work (I started with a 10mm drill), and I was taking 0.25mm cuts, I was getting round disks every pass.
The tool used was the carbide on supplied with the set. I couldn't get enough depth with the HSS one.

Although the hole came out fine in the end, could someone suggest how I might modify my technique for next time?