Hi Ramon: because this is a Woolf type engine, that is without inlet chambers before the IP and LP valves the timing is critical so as to avoid stalling back pressure when the HP exhaust starts when running on air. This problem held me up for a couple of attempts over two years. The IP valve has to be opening just as the HP is exhausting.
because air is a compressed gas while steam is an expanding gas when running on air only the HP does any work so at the first run I opened the IP Nd LP cylinder drain cocks but later found it runs with them shut so the air is having to go right through to the condenser.
It has been a long and, due to the cost of the castings, a very careful construction. As I have rebuilt it I have been very impressed by some of my machining!! Not sure I could do it nowadays.
i am now mounting it on a sheet of SS chequered plate and frame and bringing all the water and condensate pipes to a manifold so I can connect it to a matching frame with the boiler and water tank system