Interesting trick to use the copper pipe, the rest is not new. Having worked in both agriculture and marine rusted/ seized bolts are a way of life. That the bolts in ali were done up to 120Ft/Lb I very much doubt, to short a thread and dia . To add to this thread, To remove a bush from a blind hole eg flywheel, fill with grease,use a GOOD fitting punch and drive in – the hydraulic pressure can only go one way – it will push the bush up the punch ! To remove a bearing outer race if normal methods don’t work then run a bead of weld round the inside of the race – it may well fall out, as once molten the metal on soldifying will due to shrinkage become smaller ! Used this one this week on a 7.5″dia bearing !
It all depends what equipment you can lay your hands on as to the method used
A simple spark eroder can be easily be made to get you out of a hole ! Noel