I have recently completed making this engine.The Boll-Aero 7.5cc Diesel.It is he last of Chris Boll's excellent bar stock designs and has two ball races to the crankshaft. I have now made all five of them. As drawn,this one is very square looking,with the cooling fins continuing straight up from the crankcase. I did not like the idea of interupted cutting of the fins,or of making a square piston, so changed the profile to a more conventional circular shape. On the test rig it proved to be a reasonable starter,once I had found the correct compressioin point. The photo of it running shows it doing just under 9000 RPM, with a 11" x 4" APC nylon propeller, using Model Technics 1000 fuel. No gaskets, no leaks,no black oil, so all parts must be in the correct place! Multi runs of 4 minutes with cool down between each, it has now had 32 minutes running time. It has that lovely "crackle"to its sound and is quite thirsty, with 100cc of fuel lasting 4 minutes. The recommended method of running in a Diesel engine by a series of high speed, rich runs,with cool down between each, I find really works and I am always amazed how compression increases by doing so.
Subsequently, I have moved the engine to my static thrust rig and changed the fuel to Model Technics 2000 grade. With RPM at 9300 RPM I got 41.8 oz of static thrust. To try and avoid Castor oil spray going everywhere, I rigged an old umbrella behind the set up to try and restrict it, but at these revs it turned inside out straight away! Later use of two 4ftx 2ft x 1/2inch ply boards hinged together as a screen to catch the exhaust flow is working fine.
I have now made 10 I/C engines consecutively, plus restoring as many clapped out Classics back to life. Not quite the output of"Engiineous" Jason, but he is a lot younger than me and more clever.
Edited By KEITH BEAUMONT on 01/04/2023 09:37:40
Edited By JasonB on 01/04/2023 13:06:54