Boll aero 18 internet drawings


Boll aero 18 internet drawings

Home Forums I/C Engines Boll aero 18 internet drawings

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  • #660759
    geoff walker 1

      Hi All and Chris, thanks for your post,

      Well all assembled and ready I believe for a test run.

      The engine is made much the same as the original design. I split the crankcase in two and modified the prop shaft to accept a commercial prop driver but other than that made to Ron's drawings and Chris Bolls design..

      The compression feels good and all seems as it should be? (hopefully).

      Will be travelling to Chester soon to see my mate who is an aero modeller. If this engine will start he will get it going!

      So fingers crossed and if all's well a video to come.

      Ramon you asked if I had plenty of fuel to run the engine. The answer is no but as you may have gathered I know a man who has!!

      atb Geoff

      Ramon Wilson

        Very nice result Geoff so I hope you have even more success with it running – nothing beats that huge grin that breaks out when an engine you've made breaks into it's first run

        Best – Tug

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