Thank you all for your responses and suggestions. I am concerned about the possible use of Silfos in the firebox because of the possible failure under working conditions i.e. sulphur attack on the phosphorus fluxed alloy. The good news that the stays are gunmetal and were threaded into the inner firebox sheets. I only have leaks on the side sheets in the firebox. Mechanically the silfos joints will be strong enough because of the threaded stays although some might leak in due course. Perhaps hard water scale will keep those leaks at bay?
My original post was to invite suggestions for repairing the leaky stays. As the Moderator has suggested the Silfos is to a certain extent a red herring because for the purposes of repairs, 455 silver solder will be OK according to Johnson Matthey. Talking to CuP Alloys they felt that if the internal firebox stay ends had been soldered with Easy Flo No. 2 there might be a risk in using 455 for repairs because of the higher melting point and the risk of melting nearby stays that are pressure tight at the moment. The leaks are fairly minor ( slow bubbling with 40psi air pressure ). I have Oxy/Propane equipment and am looking into getting a cylinder of Propylene which has a higher calorific value than Propane but safer than Acetylene.
Propane as a source of heat is an interesting idea but I have no experience of burners, fuelling techniques, etc. I am happier sitting on a tender of coal rather than a gas cylinder. Also has been pointed out it doesn't smell right!!
I have not messaged Keith Hale directly because I feel we can all benefit from the experience of his years of experience in these matters if he cares to reply in the forum. I would though be interested in seeing what Keith suggests I use to seal these leaks and out of interest is there anyway that the actual joint alloy could be sampled? I don't know anyone with access to a mass Spectrometer!