From memory I bought some thin ceramic lagging from Reeves or one of the other normal suppliers. It’s about 2mm thick. I used the supplied boiler bands, but I think I had to use slightly longer bolts to join them.
I only clad the sticking out part – the bit in the “firebox” is left as is and so I don’t think the cladding needs to be super heatproof – at 15psi the steam temp is not much above boiling water, so by inference the boiler shell can’t be either. Prior to lagging I had just painted with etch primer and enamel, but trying to run it outside was dependent on it being a warm, still day.
I used bike pot black engine paint for the firebox area, with dark green on the driving position/ tender – just a masked line straight down from where the levers attach.
Just looked and the enamel I used was Plasti-kote projekt paint fast dry enamel. Came from Wilkos for 1.99 something like 10 or 15 years ago!