Hi all!
I was searching forums hoping to find an answer but no luck. Subject has been discussed here before but not in details I'm after.
Soon I will have to source the material to make studs that goes into a steam dome and regulator bush. Bushes are made of bronze I believe. Someone mentioned in another thread that bolts shouldn't be used on the boiler and the way to go is studs with washers and nuts. Stainless 316 has been recommended.
Problem is that 316 aka marine grade only comes in metric sizes (some imperial can be found on Ebay but what is the guarantee that this is going to be 316?)
I got a feeling that 316 wouldn't be easy to machine from 4mm to 1/8 (holes in bushes are tapped 5BA) so my question is, would 303 stainless be OK to use?
Same will be with washers and nuts, I couldn't find 316 grade in any online shops and hex bar in 5ba size is also impossible to find if I would decide to make nuts myself.
I'm guessing that bronze could be used as well but what grade? And if I to go for a bronze, what material could I use for nuts? Or isn't nuts and washers that important since they're outside and easy to inspect for any corrosion.
Also while I'm on it, what people use to seal steam dome to a bush?
Thanks, Tom