Back in late October of 2021 I came across the hand drawn sketches of the late John “Bogstandard” Moore, marine steam engine. I had only recently taken up machining as a hobby and decided that this little engine, is what I wanted to build as my first scratch built model engine.
Initially began re-drawing the hand drawn sketches into Fusion360 as 3D modelling has been a longstanding hobby of mine over the past 6-7 years. Halfway through the design/drafting process I decided that why not enlarge the model from its original scale by a factor of 2. I thought that this would produce a lovely sized model that would make a great displace piece.
The finished engine will measure somewhere in the region of 250x100x250
These plans will be available shortly for anyone wishing a copy provided that any feedback, improvements, and suggestions are passed back to me so that I can update and improve the drawings. These plans will be FREE of charge as a mark of respect to Bogstandards and his original drawings.
At the end of January 2022, I completed the designs and have produced a set of drawings that runs to 27 pages. I really enjoyed the project and now mid-February of 2022; I have begun construction of the engine.
Today I began with the base plate, making this from 10mm aluminium plate. I squared up the plate and then laid out all the holes on the plate. The outer holes are for fixing the base to a bed of some sort with four of these holes used to fasten the cylinder block support columns above the base plate.
The 8 inner holes are tapped to hold the bearing blocks that crank shafts will pass through.
I plunge milled the pockets out of the base plate
once the bulk of the material was removed in swept the outer faces of the pockets taking them to final dimensions and producing a nice finish.
Below is the finished base plate,
all that is left to do is de-burr a few edges and add some external radius when my belt sander arrives in the coming week or so.
I'm new to machining and engineering, this is something I've always wanted to do and I'd love to hear any feed back that anyone has.
If anyone would like a copy of the drawings, please PM. I wont be releasing publicly yet, as in posting to a forum notice board, until I've completed the build and highlighted any flaws along the way, however if anyone would like to cast there eye over the drawings then please feel free to contact me.
Cheers Guys
Edited By Martin Currie 2 on 16/02/2022 21:24:56
Edited By Martin Currie 2 on 16/02/2022 21:27:06