Posted by bernard towers on 28/03/2023 23:15:03:
Surely the gunsmiths do browning
As in 'Brown Bess'*, yes. Before bluing, many firearms were 'browned'. Have to look up the exact process, but it consisted of repeatedly building up layers of fine rust and polishing them back to leave a protective brown covering.
In the usual way, the gun-trade became remarkably conservative, and insisted on calling any protective layer 'browning' for many decades after bluing had become dominant. In the same way, 'ball' ammunition has been cylinder-conoidal since about 1870.
* The origins of the name 'Brown Bess' are uncertain. The musket was obviously 'brown', but the nickname may have come from another friend of soldiers; at the time 'Brown Bess' was slang for a prostitute. Or vice-versa, the ladies were named after the gun.
To add to the confusion, browning as in bluing has nothing to do with the prolific gun inventor John Browning.