Started to use a can of Acid 8 Etch primer which is about half full and probably getting on for a year old. It seemed to have run out of puff so suspecting a blockage I cleaned the nozzle with solvent. Now sprays for one or two seconds then out of puff again. Inverted can, as when clearing the nozzle after spraying and it had plenty of oomph with a good spray of paint. Tried it again with can upright and no oomph again. Inverted can and plenty of spray. This has been repeated until I got the job done, awkwardly, with the can upside down. I have never experienced this with spray cans in the past. Any ideas as to what is occurring? (No amount of shaking of the can made any difference.)
Edited By mick H on 23/09/2023 10:22:29