Just a warning to anyone making any type of 3D printer using a RAMPS board.
Check your power connector plug – it seems that despite being rated between 12 and 15 amps they overheat easily and melt with obvious risks. Just google 'ramps power connector melted'.
I had a problem with a loose nozzle causing a PLA leak and discounted the smell as burning PLA., when it was actually the connector frying.Luckily it went open circuit as the dodgy connection filled with molten plastic/gummed up with char. It would not have been nice if it has shorted instead – the dividers between the plugs had largely disappeared.
This problem seems to be common to all types of machine as the connector is a standard p[art of the RAMPS board. Prusa themselves say it is caused by not tightening the connectors suffciently. On my connector the wires were so solidly locked in the ferrule they wouldn't pull out, it was poor contact between the pin and socket – as evidenced by the location of melting and scorching, which was away from the screwed connections.
I have replaced my power connections with soldered ones, there are spade connectors in the power lead and these are showing no signs of warmth.
I am also considering putting automotive fuses in the power leads as the ones on the RAMPS board are after the connector.