There seems to be some confusion here!
The drawing posted by JasonB clearly shows bevel gears with a tapered profile and the pitch diameters specified at the outer edge. So these are desgined as proper bevel gears, not parallel depth bevel gears.
The values given on the drawing for the pitch diameters are correct. The pitch cone angles are incorrect; they should be 18° 26' and 71° 34'. For the ODs I get 1.612 and 4.206"; very close to drawing. I haven't checked the other values.
For proper bevel gears with the DP specified at the outer edge the equivalent number of teeth used to select the cutter is the actual number of teeth divided by the cosine of the pitch cone angle. The equivalent values are 11.595 and 104.355 for the pinion and gear respectively. So a #8 cutter for the pinion and #2 for the gear. This agrees with the results I used in the design and manufacture of the bevel gears in my traction engine differential, and they mesh very well as shown with these prototype gears in aluminium:

The calculations in the Ivan Law book are for parallel depth bevel gears. These are not the same as proper bevel gears and the same calculations for cutters do not apply. Parallel depth bevel gears are designed using a given DP at the inner edge of the tooth, not the outer edge.
For parallel depth bevel gears the formula for calculating the equivalent number of teeth is 2 times x times the diametral pitch, where x is half the pitch circle diameter at the inner edge of the teeth divided by the sin of the face angle. For a parallel depth bevel gear the face angle is the same as the pitch cone angle.
Edited By Andrew Johnston on 08/01/2019 22:40:41