Posted by JasonB on 26/05/2022 07:31:57:
4mm 3-flute carbide cutter would do, 5000rpm if you can, say 300mm/min feed. Blow chips away with compressed air or rig up a vacuum cleaner.
That is the cutting process I have been dreaming about but 5000rpm and 300mm/min feed is way outside the envelope of my 300 lb bench mill ( Emco FB2 )
It appears that even with appropriate cutter and machine it is still not possible to do a full-depth cut of 2 mm in one go as three passes were done in the video ( DOC was 0.7 mm in each pass ). Is that because of chip evacuation problems ?
I have got the idea of using roughing end mills because my 6 mm roughing end mill cuts slots ( DOC 3 mm ) in mild steel with significantly less effort compared with my regular mill of the same diameter. Furthermore, the chips produced are smaller which should help to avoid clogging.
Edited By Y C Lui on 26/05/2022 08:20:00