For many years BA threads were very often used in electrical applications, such as terminals.
It could be argued that BA offers a smaller increment between sizes than Metric, in the small sizes, but are now non preferred, if only because of the different thread form.
BSW and BSF have what appear to be strange A/F sizes, and the wish to reduce metal useage during WW2 led to the hexagon sizes changing to one size down can lead to confusion between "old" and "new"
Becoming of academic interiest in many respects as Metric Coarse becomes the probably, the most commonly available thread.
Whitworth form threads live on in BSP ("Gas" in Europe ) and M E, and in British Standard Brass , threads
Personally, I like the 40 tpi M E threads as a means of fine adjustment, although 1/2 UNF is very useful in larger sizes, as would be any 20 tpi thread for adjusters in Imperial sizes.
In a Metric environment a 0.5 or 1 mm pitch thread would serve the same purpose.
AND, in general, Metric provides a smaller selection of pitches that BSW, BSF or Unified..
With regard to pitches, the finer threads are stronger (Unless you try pulling a heavy Tailstock along the lathe bed with a ME 40 thread! ). Fine threads of any type can produce some great tensile loads, using the correct grade of material. A 1/2 UNF thread in W range steel does not yield until a load of 9 tons is applied, wheras, in my youth, I was very prone to wrecking 1/4 BSW bolts and studs!
If you think of a thread as a lever, wrapped around a bar, the finer threads provide a greater mechaniical advantage, (As a longer lever per unit of movement ) and so allow a greater tensile or compressive load to be applied.
Coarse threads tend to be used in softer materials because of the greater thread depth, and flank thickness.