I was actually referring to a swivelling table when I mentioned "Universal" on the mill Mike, although I've never had a need for one so far. But I hadn't realised the dividing head could be connected too.
In terms of changing from vertical to horizontal Andrew, I don't do it that often – the mill generally tends to stay with the vertical head in place most of the time (it's also blooming heavy). I certainly do use the horizontal mode from time to time, for instance to cut larger slabs down their length (with a saw mounted on the arbor). Be hard to do this most other ways, even with a bandsaw (which I don't have anyway). Otherwise it's down to chain drilling and then cutting through with a hacksaw (too much like hard work these days I'm afraid) but you still need to clean the edges up afterwards.
I've also used the horizontal for milling with an end mill (mounted directly in a chuck in the taper). I guess this in principle is rather like using a lathe with a vertical slide but it's obviously capable of considerably longer lengths and the set-up is extremely rigid. I do have some circular cutters but as they are expensive and I have more end mills/slot drills etc. that's what I tend to use most. As I don't have a quill on my vertical head, it's also easier sometimes to plunge and/or drill in the horizontal mode than trying to do it by raising/lowering the knee.
Much the same logic applies to the Atlas MF by the way, just on a much smaller scale (e.g. I can cut sheet brass pretty well with it).
So I guess I do like Horizontals. Possibly because when I was originally doing evening classes at Tech, by the time I arrived there from work, all the Bridgeports were taken. So I often ended up with the old Horizontal machine. The other advantage with the Horizontal (and its being unpopular) was that I could sometimes leave my work set-up on the table on a Tuesday night and it was still there undisturbed when I came back on the Thursday! Big time saver not having to set-up again from scratch – assuming it was even practical !
OK, I'm meandering – so it must be time to call it a day!
Goodnight & Regards