I apologise as I know there are similar threads elsewhere in the forums, however I do have some specific questions which will help m eto choose which printer to buy.
Q1, Which of the most commonly used filaments gives the strongest finished component pla/abs? (or other)?
Q2, Which of the current range of 3D printers up to £800 is most capable in respect of, (a) print quality, (b) using both filaments equally successfully, (c) complete package with any required software in the bundle.
Q3, I have looked at the factory 3D website, it looks easy enough to buy their printer, but I couldn't find largest print size it can do, none of the links for support, spares etc worked so it doesn't instill confidence and put me off buying from them, any advice for alternatives?
Q4, Is there a dedicated 3D printer, help webpage offering generic advice such as temperatures, feed rates etc for particular filaments?
I have started to get good results with Fusion now and feel that buying a printer is the next logical step but I want to get it right.