Ah ha. Penny just dropped. Had not realised a diamond tool holder was in fact a tangental tool holder, ala Eccentric Engineering etc. Thought it was to hold a diamond dresser on a grinder etc.
In that case, to hold a lathe tool bit, you will be far better off to machine a 90 degree V slot in two pieces of steel and bolt them together as a clamp, as Eccentric does and as many of the designs on the net also do.
Bending a piece of 12mm bar at 90 degrees is not going to give you the clearly defined smooth 90 degree surface you need to grip the tool bit that machining will give.
And cutting the 12mm bar ends at 45 degrees and silver soldering together to form the 90 degree groove is unlikely to last for very long. Clamping force applied by the clamping screw, plus the cutting forces transmitted through the tool bit will eventually break the silver solder.
Stick with the tried and true two-piece method with the machined grooves. If you don't have a mill I am sure it could be done in the lathe with the end mill cutter held in the chuck and the job mounted on the toolpost or cross slide with a bit of jury rigged clamping.
EDIT: BUT reading back through this thread, it is unclear whether you are wanting to bend the 12mm bar to make the square hole that the tool bit slides into for clamping, or are you wanting to make the bend in the main shank of the holder than drops the head down below centre height where the tool bit is clamped?
A sketch of what you want to do would be helpful.
Edited By Hopper on 27/05/2023 12:18:00