Something to be said for starting out with a lower powered grinder. Especially if you have something to hand or if E-Bay, Facebook Marketplace, local free ad paper or just asking around can score something for beer money.
Lot safer from the ripping things out of your hand aspect if the power is low enough that you can stall it. Low power means low pressure so polishing takes much longer but you have time to see whats going on. As Noel says the buffing compounds can be disconcertingly aggressive. On a proper machine the job can get away from you in nothing flat.
When actually put to the test you may also find that you don't actually have enough polishing to do for a decent set-up to be worth it. Not to mention the mess. Did I mention that polishing is messy, really messy. Yup seriously messy. Frankly if you have enough to do that a decently powerful set up is worth it you will need a dedicated area with shields and extraction. Around 10 minutes of serious polishing with an open mop will turn the average shed size workshop into the sort of disaster zone that needs everything pulled out to clean up. (The gremlin colony living under the bench will not be amused by having their stash of lost parts repatriated!) Half an hour? best wear a hazmat suit.
Don't shove polishing dust and compound covered overalls in the washing machine! Mistakes like that can be fatal or at least seriously expensive from the "new appliance so we need a new kitchen to match" viewpoint. By bye next loco fund! Squoshing around in a bucket outside two or three times is a domestically safe cleaning method. Doesn't help that first time or three you will almost certainly use too much compound adn the excess has to go somewhere.
My personal motor'n mop has been sitting on the shelf for about a quarter of a century "just in case". Its done a few re-furbed piano keys for my tuner brother and thats it. I have used the proper thinga time or three, objectively quite enough thank you.