Hi all,
Lathe drive v-belts – how should they be maintained, when / how often, and how do you know when it’s time to replace them?
The obvious answer is once they’ve snapped of course, but I beleive in a more preventative approach

I ask as I’ve recently picked up a ~20 year old Speed 10. It’s in excellent condition, and if anything is probably suffering from under-use. As a result the 2 belts seem a little stiff and make a few squeaky / creaky noises as they rotate on the pulleys (it’s definitley the belts!). They don’t appear to slip, nor are cracked – just a bit noisy – kinda like the squirmy noises sports shoes make on a squash court.
Is this typical of a v-belt, or do they sound past their best and hence time to replace? Also any advice on using belt dressing / conditioning sprays – or best avoided?
– Clive
Edited By Beagle on 08/10/2010 13:11:54