Hello all I hope you are well.
This is my first post as I've been lurking and learning from you all for a while now 
I have recently completed a Boll Aero 18 which took me 5 weeks on and off to build, and I'm happy to say runs rather well. Therefore I'm moving onto my next bigger project.
As im a fan of steam, I have just received the drawings to start fabrication of a Simplex 5" gauge locomotive. I'm very much looking forward to get cracking on with the components but I've come across an issue already and I'm not sure if I'm blowing it out of proportion. I'm hoping to make the sheet metal parts myself without buying laser cut items, mainly the frames, but the drawing requires 1/8" BMS. Now, I'm assuming BMS is Bright Mild Steel.
I've searched high and low and can't find any BMS in the required dimensions. Here's my dilemma, would it be ok the fabricate the frames from 3mm Mild Steel sheet? How would this effect strength and how would 3mm material implicate dimensions of other common parts?
Any help/advise will be very much appreciated.
Many thanks, Iain.