Those of us of a certain age may recall buying replacement Campagnolo bearing races mail order from the Whiskers Catalogue. That was when you could actually go into a bike shop and buy (say) an individual pawl for the freewheel inside your five-speed "block".
At the present time, like every other supplier in the throwaway society, bicycle component manufacturers will launch new products in their range quite frequently, and asking bike shops to stock spare parts for all the ranges for (say) the last ten years for several manufacturers is not on. You wear out a hub – you buy a new hub. And count yourself lucky if it can be made to fit the spokes and rim. And if you can't do that, you buy a new wheel. Oh dear – they don't do it in 8 speed any more – you have to get an 11 speed. And by the time you've finished, it's easier to buy a new bike.
That's how it works in this day and age.
Back to the OP. You need to get a really superb finish on your HARD replacement insert. You should be able to measure the old race well enough to get near if you cut it in half. It needs to be very close to the ball diameter. Ideally you'd harden the race and then grind it to suit, but that's pretty specialist.
I'd fit ceramic balls when you've made it; they (apparently) iron out the creases in your race and it should last longer.
Edited By Nigel Bennett on 23/08/2018 09:12:37