I have the internally threaded collets for for both metric and imperial, and to be honest I find HSS screwed shank cutters are more than adequate for anything I need to do on that machine.
Mine is a Boley and Leinen which is the predecessor to the BCA mk2 and uses the same collets.
These machines are not made for hogging lots of metal off, and I have never felt the need to use carbide cutters on mine, I do use them on my Alexander milling machine when I need to shift a lot of metal quickly.
I would be thinking about the spindle and its bearings and whether you think they are up to the forces required to get the best out of carbide cutters. The BCA is a jig borer, and as such was designed for precision positioning of holes as opposed to true milling operations. Milling is OK but not really when you are trying to take heavy cuts. Also with carbide you would probably want to be running the spindle at a far greater speed than the machine will be happy with.
As mentioned above, the internally threaded collets are like hens teeth, it took me about three years to get my set complete, but they do "almost" guarantee that a cutter will not walk out of the collet.
Have a look here at some of the additional tolling I have made for mine.