Bassett-Lowke 2 1/2 inch flying scotsman


Bassett-Lowke 2 1/2 inch flying scotsman

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    derek blake

      Hi Nick

      Thanks for your response, that's a good idea I may go and have a quick read, I have googled most of the day and found plenty of types, I think mine should have the coal door in the middle with no corridor so I will take a bet on that type, some will say why bother with detail but it's something to keep me busy before ordering the boiler.

      Regards Derek


        Hi Derek

        I am very pleased to see the progress you have been making with this project, well done.

        We've Been to the NRM in York a couple of times and, I seem to remember that the Flying Scotsman corridor tenders were specifically built for the non stop London / Edinburgh train service which started in 1928.

        The Flying Scotsman Locomotive itself was built in 1923 (I think) and actually named in 1924.

        If you want to do a bit of online research the NRM has a search facilty on its site.



        Not sure if you have found these two Wikipedia entries during your searches, they might help.



        Edited By V8Eng on 04/09/2016 21:38:33

        derek blake

          Hi V8eng

          I really appreciate your kind words, really makes it worth while carrying on.

          I shall look at your links.

          Many thanks Del

          derek blake

            Looking at your links because my tender has high sides and no coal rail it could be built to go with a later A1 with corridor on tender, this is what I will plump for.

            Many thanks

            derek blake

              Hi All

              Just a quick update, I'm still plodding along with the flying Scotsman.

              I'm away in a lovely cottage this weekend and decided to have a quick read of the forums which makes me want to get back to the train. It's very encouraging reading beginners threads as this Spurs me on.

              I'm presently having some parts being laser cut for me, which I hope to receive in due course and this will give me some more parts to get on with, I've also had a boiler quote which I feel is a great price so all is going well other than the exhaust problem which I've mentioned in earlier posts.

              This I will need to sort very soon to move on to the next step. I may have to ask you guys again on that I will of course post some more pictures if anyone is interested of course.

              Good health to you all Derek

              derek blake


                derek blake

                  Latest progress.. At least she's better than the original rolling chassis purchased from a flea market.

                  I hope to breath life back into her in the future..

                  derek blake

                    Bogie started today, I'm going get some new main frames cut. I'm just not happy with what was done in the past.image.jpg




                      Hi Derek.

                      I hope you like these photos of the Scotsman Locomotive, they were taken at the NRM Workshops in 2012.

                      There are other photos of the loco, which I hope to put in my Scotsman album (when time permits).

                      The Bogie was lowered near to the loco, so I am assuming it is from the Scotsman.

                      Sorry about he text being at the bottom of this post, I could not make it work in any other way.

                      Edited By V8Eng on 12/09/2016 21:55:45

                      derek blake


                        That's great to see the pictures thank you, I'm limited on what I can add in the sense of scale due to the size of the loco, I'm adding more details than the drawings show especially to the tender.

                        Regards Del

                          Posted by derek blake on 12/09/2016 21:57:13:


                          I'm limited on what I can add in the sense of scale due to the size of the loco.

                          Regards Del

                          Yes I certainly agree with you on that, you are doing great!

                          Regards V8.


                          Edited By V8Eng on 12/09/2016 22:16:46

                          Neil Wyatt

                            Looks better than my Hornby 'plastic fantastic'


                            derek blake

                              I bet it doesn't…

                              derek blake

                                Hi all

                                Just a quick question, so before Julian answers he told me so he is correct the more I dig into the train the more I see wrong, I've actually pretty much started again which is fine. So the frame spacing is under by 1mm, nothing to serious I feel except the main wheels are ending up 1mm to close together not helped by the way the wheels have been machined, do you feel there's going be any serious issue? I've added a picture to help, the cuts in the wheels are straight with no angle added.

                                derek blake



                                    Hi Derek,

                                    I do normally 'cone' my wheels (and it is included in our G3 track standard) but not everybody does this and frankly I doubt it will make too much difference to your engine in practice. So this is not the end of the world.

                                    Of more importance (if you want to run at G3 GTGs one day) – are the various other wheel dimensions associated with the gauge which include things like the back-to-back dimension of the wheels, flange depth and width etc. You can find these details on the Gauge '3' Society website at

                                    You might well find a few problems here – as one of my engines was constructed by a very well respected Model Engineer and the flange thickness not only varied widely but some were up to 1/8" thick. Not a problem on a MES track normally but not so great on a (G3) track with turnouts.



                                    derek blake

                                      Thanks for your response Ian.

                                      I think I understand what you mean and will measure against what G3 require, the back to back I think should be 2 1/4 inch but I'm under that by 1mm, not sure what that is in inch.

                                      I suppose it's better to be under than over I guess.theres not much I can do than to do my best with what I have.


                                      Jeff Dayman

                                        1 mm =.03937" or close enough to 40 thou (thousandths of an inch)

                                        25.4 mm = 1"

                                        just FYI



                                          It's roughly 40 thou Derek… but if the rest of the engine parts 'fit' – for instance there is wheel clearance – then this may not be a problem – and most things can be corrected with a bit of thought…

                                          Dug these old photos out of the trailing wheels on the Atlantic – the flanges were way over size and the axle boxes worn oval. Bored the axle holes out and silver soldered thick wall tube into the boxes, then trimmed the flanges and 'touched up' the axle ends – then drilled the tube to a running fit. One of the flanges on the main drivers was badly chipped but I decided to live with it and it hasn't cause any problems. Otherwise it would have been a new steel tyre…possible but as it happened unnecessary.

                                          Try not to worry so much! smiley





                                          atlantic refurb - rear axle july 2009 002.jpg

                                          atlantic refurb - rear axle july 2009 004.jpg

                                          Edited By IanT on 13/09/2016 20:23:50

                                          derek blake

                                            Thanks Ian that's interesting, I will look at the G3 spec and measure mine, the trailing wheels and bogie wheels I've had to buy from slaters ready made as mine where missing, so I'm pretty sure its on the driving wheels to concern me.

                                            Like you say most things can be solved.

                                            Thanks again

                                            julian atkins

                                              Hi Derek,

                                              You are doing a fine job.

                                              If you intend to fit a proper boiler and run the loco with a driver and a passenger (or two) behind, then you will be on a raised track so no problems with the wheelsets.

                                              If on the other hand you intend to run it on a scenic railway with turnouts/points, then the wheelset dimensions will be very critical.

                                              If however your proposed scenic railway has no turnouts/points then dont worry.



                                              derek blake

                                                Hi Julian

                                                Kind words from someone with your expertise means a great deal to me.

                                                Thank you

                                                derek blake

                                                  Hi All

                                                  Just a quick question, so you will probably be aware of the issues I have with the cylinders, all fine except for the steam exhaust holes.

                                                  I have actually managed to find to new/old castings of these and if I can't find an easy solution to the steam pipe I was thinking of getting them machined, im not sure you can suggest anyone on here who could do them but what do you think would be a fair cost to machine them, they are obviously pretty small but I am fully aware of the time and skill involved.

                                                  I don't want to pay hundreds and then find out it should of been a lot cheaper.

                                                  many thanks

                                                  derek blake

                                                    Hi all

                                                    So abit more work on the flying Scotsman today, waiting on some more parts so thought I'd try and add abit of detail to the tender, nothing amazing or to your standards but it's something.

                                                    I also remade the keeps as the drawings asks for this to be made from angle brass, I would if expected steel but that's what it says and was good for me as I only have hand tools.

                                                    Thanks for looking

                                                    derek blake


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