try again
I thought I’d show you how I do this.
this is my lathe, it’s a Chester clone of the sieg c4.
CAUTION turn the power OFF before you start anything like this!!
here is the inside of the drive housing
to start off I made this fitting, it’s a flat bar with a square piece with a cross hole and a clamp screw bolted on.
remove the two bolts shown with allen keys
and, using longer bolts, fix the fitting
I then made an expanding sleeve to fit the lathe mandrel
fit this in the mandrel
and then fix a change wheel to the end and insert the detent pin so it engages with the teeth
the expanding sleeve can also be used with a handle
a close up of the drive pin on the handle
very useful for screwcutting short threads, the lathes lowest speed is 100 rpm, a wee bit too fast for my liking.
and thats it, I hope I haven’d bored you too much
the demonstrating side of Roy
Edited By wheeltapper on 28/06/2010 19:50:39
Edited By wheeltapper on 28/06/2010 20:10:16
Edited By wheeltapper on 28/06/2010 20:11:15
Edited By wheeltapper on 28/06/2010 20:12:06