Neil's post of the animation is the most interesting and most useful, and am surprised no one has so far commented on the lack of slight recoil on the animation.
I think some of you are making things far too complicated and technical, and going way off topic.
The essential basics when designing a clock/choosing what design are the parameters of timekeeping you are expecting.
There is a great deal of satisfaction every weekly wind not having to alter the hands, though if this is required if the clock is slow it takes a few seconds, and if fast perhaps a bit longer. If this alteration doesnt bother you then some of the discussion here is somewhat barmy.
I have had 30 odd years experience of dealing with tower/turret Church/public clocks. Some of these were 'modern' Victorian flat bed clocks, and some were far more rudimentary and earlier. The most problematic clock is that fitted in the 1960s to St Johns Church Cardiff made by Gillett and Johnston with Grimthorpe double beat escapement and automatic winding. It regularly stops for no apparent reason whatsoever. I have a view on the cause of the stoppages, though this is somewhat 'off topic' as per perhaps some posts above!