Bar stock


Bar stock

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  • #105608
    Robin King

      And a couple of feet for me too please!


      Sub Mandrel

        I'm up for a foot – I'd have a bit more but I don't think my wife would count it as stocking fillers for the family … perhaps if I turned it into candle sticks?


        P.S. on waste regs,at work  we ordered a lockable skip recently, the one deleivered used to be lockable – but the door was missing! It got filled by cowboys, and the company is refusing to refund or replace. Luckily it was paid for on company CC. Polic not interested as on private land – but we have some headed notepaper (lots, but from a failed business) and our landlords have got a white van on CCTV. Strangely, our hope is there is some 'restricted waste' in it so we can persuade the police it is their business!

        Edited By Stub Mandrel on 06/12/2012 19:32:05

        jason udall

          Going to push him again today try and move this forward..

          Might have to take the lot and then repackage it for ME use. at my risk ..( his sales order processing etc. seems to make this uneconomic more used to lots of 500-10,000 than 1's)…

          NOT DEAD YET.


            if the price is right id be interested in a yard/metre of the stuff

            face 1

            Roger Vane

              If the price is right I'd be interested in a couple of feet.

              Leonard Brandon

                I too would take 300mm if available.

                jason udall

                  Ok here goes.

                  I have taken on the metal . I has cost me £15. per 300mm . and I will pass it on at that.

                  Postage / carriage for each foot is £6 to GPO and 50p nom for wrapping etc.

                  If I charge £7 for pnp ( uk) and else where at cost that leaves 50 p mark up for me…oh still my beating heart.. In summary

                  27 mm dia ( nom) lb4 300mm +5-0 mm 1.5 Kg nom, £15 +£7 carr . ( no vat to add)

                  Limited stock..

                  I will endevour to proccess orders within one working week ( I do have a day job!)

                  Now who wants some..

                  please pm me for address/ contact.

                  John C

                    Hi Jason, PM sent.


                    David Littlewood


                      I too have sent you a PM.


                      jason udall

                        Hi all. If you are still intrested and haven't PM 'ed me please remind me.

                        If the price hasn't turned-out right, I understand.

                        Those of you who have, thanks and hope to start chopping this week ( But I do want some time at my machines wink )

                        Regards Jason


                          Just to say thanks to Jason for taking the time and trouble to sort out this bargain bronze for very little personal return.

                          Mine arrived 10mins ago and luckily the posty dod not try to bend it to get it through the letterbox

                          Thanks, J

                          jason udall

                            Thanks for that . glad to hear arrived safely…look forward to seeing what you make of it.

                            btw Scan of cert available in my photosdens lb4.jpg

                            Edited By jason udall on 14/12/2012 13:19:53

                            Clive Farrar

                              Hi Jason,

                              i hope that my PM got through. I was after 300mm. If not please let me know and i will respond by return.

                              Regards clive

                              mark mc

                                pm sent

                                Paul Barrett

                                  Pm sent.

                                  Sub Mandrel

                                    Pm sent

                                    Douglas Johnston

                                      Hi Jason,

                                      I notice the original supplier on the test certificate is in the Dundee area and was wondering if you were also located in that region of the country. I might be interested if personal pickup was possible.


                                      Leonard Brandon

                                        PM sent



                                          Jason gave me his home address so I could send a cheque. Without being too specific, a hundred miles or so further south and he'd have to speak French.


                                          michael cole

                                            PM sent


                                              Posted by JasonB on 14/12/2012 13:07:02:

                                              Just to say thanks to Jason for taking the time and trouble to sort out this bargain bronze for very little personal return.

                                              Mine arrived 10mins ago and luckily the posty dod not try to bend it to get it through the letterbox


                                              +1 recieved mine today many thanks, a great service.

                                              Steve Larner

                                              jason udall

                                                Thanks Steve good to hear arrived safe.

                                                Can I ask all to let me know when yours does or PM

                                                Stops me fretting..



                                                Jason gave me his home address so I could send a cheque. Without being too specific, a hundred miles or so further south and he'd have to speak French.


                                                100 NM 180T would be wet feet time having just missed the Channel Isles cheeky

                                                But the thought is appreciated..

                                                .Had to learn French at school..refused to speak it in my viva(oral) took 0% and grade C over all ( hate failing even more than I hate HAVING to learn French).


                                                Edited By jason udall on 18/12/2012 00:17:35


                                                  "Au secours!" might be a useful French phrase to shout in that situation, Jason, as well as "Help!". Or you could split the diff between the languages and use Mayday.

                                                  I stopped learning French when I was 13. Now, I spend three or four weeks a year over there, so some of it has come back. Nouns galore, but too few verbs to string them together into a sentence, so I can bravely ask for something in a shop and then get completely flummoxed when asked what size or colour I want. My German and Spanish are similar – just enough to make a fool of myself.


                                                  John Buckley 3

                                                    Hi there,

                                                    is there any more left?

                                                    If there is then I would like 600mm.

                                                    Thanking you in advance.


                                                    Sub Mandrel

                                                      Sacre Bleu! I barely scraped a D even with doing my viva! But then the evil Chunky had tortured two generations of my family w. There was one lad assigned to recording all the punishments handed out during the lesson "Cook! Mark him down, twenty assorted verbs!"

                                                      Le Chunk once managed to raise a laugh though, with "Cook! Mark yourself down!"


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