Posted by Andrew Cressey on 20/12/2021 10:17:51:
… How much can i expect to remove in a single pass with my colchester
Difficult to say Andrew because the motor is unknown. Two things limit the amount of metal that can be removed:
- The power output of the motor. (Assuming it's suitably geared to put the required RPM/torque on the spindle. The latter is rarely a problem: just select the right gears and drive belts.)
- The rigidity of the machine. Too much power bends the structure causing inaccuracy and poor finish, and greatly increases the chance of serious damage in a head-crash or other accident.
If your single-phase motor is of similar power output to the original 3-phase, the lathe will remove roughly the same amount of metal: rule of thumb, about 1 cubic inch per horsepower per minute.
But amateur work is typically much slower than that. We aren't working in a sweat-shop mass-producing junk as quickly as possible: our goal is usually small numbers of parts that fit together. More skill, less rush.
Although my Chinese WM280 with a 1.5kW motor cheerfully takes a millimetre deep cut in mild steel, I rarely push it that hard, preferring to rough out with 0.6mm off the diameter per pass, and reducing to about 0.1mm or less to hit the target dimension.
Your Colchester is more heavily built than my lathe, but I believe they came with smaller motors – perhaps 1kW? The Colchester's design is after reliable accuracy rather than brute metal hacking. In practice, I'd expect the Colchester to cut at similar rates to my machine. The Colchester can probably cope with it's motor at full power, whereas the Chinese lathe is likely to flex when pushed to the limit. But it's probably unnecessary to run either flat out! I'd say anything between 300W and 2500W is sensible, and 1kW is fine for most purposes.
I suggest the best way to find out what your lathe can do is to try it. Set RPM for the diameter of a test mild-steel rod and take a succession of increasingly deep cuts at high feed-rate. Look and listen for signs of distress, especially the motor getting hot. I'd cut dry with Carbine: flood cool if HSS is used.
If the lathe was mine, I'd seriously consider going back to the original 3-phase configuration and driving it with a VFD. The single-phase motor was probably fitted before affordable VFDs existed, and they're OK rather than ideal.