I am to convert a Clarke CL430 to cnc this year (I hope!). I would appreciate it if you could comment on some of my current thoughts.
The machine is to be used for cnc machining of pens. I had hoped the machine I got in this thread: **LINK** would work, but unfortunately flexibility of the gantry has meant it's not as successful as I had hoped, with many more operations needing to take place on the lathe than I had hoped. It has, however been very useful to reduce cnc-fear and give me the confidence to convert a machine myself.
I plan on creating a 3 axis machine, X, Z and A, where the A axis can be released with a clutch so the normal lathe motor can be used for 2 axis cnc lathe work.
Now the CL430 has an axial leadscrew that's 20mm diameter and is moderately fine in pitch, think it may be 2mm, though I've not really investigated yet (my Warco WMT300 at 2.5mm pitch is visibly coarser). There is a fair bit of friction on it though; not bad for hand operation but a bit of a load for a stepper motor. The obvious replacement is a 20mm diameter, 5mm pitch ballscrew (2005). However, the smallest diameter on the current leadscrew is 14mm where it goes into the power feed dog clutch, which implies to me that actually a 1605 ballscrew would probably be suitable. The 8mm diameter reduction on the ballnut (36 to 28mm on the main diameter) would give more room to play with under the saddle. So I think a 1605 ballscrew is the one I'm going to use (the fact it's half the price is nice, but not really relevant). Can anyone see any problems with this?
On the cross feed I was thinking of 1204 (12 dia, 4mm pitch) ballscrew feed. I think the ballnut will have to attach to the far side of the saddle as opposed to the current position of under the saddle, and be attached using only half the attachment screw positions (as per the method JS used on a Seig mill conversion).
As for motor sizes. Was going to use the Nema 23 frame size, and go for a 3Nm motor for the axial feed and use a 2:1 reduction. Having said this, I have a slight concern that the reduction should actually be 4:1 given the increase in leadscrew pitch the 1605 ballscrew would demand, getting 1.25mm advance per motor revolution instead of 2.5mm. Any comments on the gearing ratio?
On the cross slide I was planning on a Nema 23 frame, 1.26N.m/180 oz.in stepper and a 2:1 ratio, though for simplicity it might actually be better to go for a 2.4N.m motor and do away with the gearing. The cross slide is not going to be used as heavily as the axial feed, so a slower actual feedrate than programmed isn't going to be a problem.
At the moment I am unsure what motor I will need for the A axis when it is used as a X/Z/A machine. I was thinking along the lines of a Nema 23 frame, but the torque is debatable. The rotation velocity is not going to be great in this configuration, in the region of 10 degrees per second maximum, but it's likely there are going to be lots of changes in direction. The spindle will have an MT4 collet chuck, so the inertia isn't going to be high and I don't think a big motor to accelerate the spindle will be needed. I almost feel a 4:1 ratio and a 1.9N.m motor would be adequate. Any thoughts?
Looking forward to any comments.