Hi everyone
Thanks for the kind words,
I managed to do a couple of hours on the cab last week, but I knew about it afterwards. Need to get myself in there again.
I'm now in the hinged brace which restricts the flexion of the knee. Started at 30 degrees on Friday 12th Jan, then have been seeing a physio on Mondays since then. Got adjusted to allow 60 degrees after the first week, then 90. I'm currently working on getting to hit the 100 degree stops at both sides and to recover the lost muscle mass. I have another 2 weeks before I see the physio again, so he has given me permission to go for another 10 degrees if I feel ready for it. I'm sure being able to talk sense helped there.
I had no idea that muscles waste away so quickly, which was probably a good thing; not only that, they get shorter too. That is why there is a range of movement problem. Getting there slowly.
All the best
Edited By Steve Addy on 09/02/2018 22:26:21