B1 Springbok


B1 Springbok

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  • #511983
    David Roberts 21

      Good morning people,

      due to Covid, I am well overdue for my second hip op, and am unable to work effectively on my vintage cars, so repairing or building a steam loco would be an engaging pastime . I have acquired a 5” B1 Springbok and a Speedy, in unfinished or needing a rebuild. I made a 3 1/2” boiler for a friend 30 years ago, a task I found fascinating, and the bug neve

      I have operated a 52 ft Victorian steam cabin launch on the Thames for 28 years, and built a new 32hp compound for the armed steam cutter Portsmouth naval trust.

      Apparently, there are a number of errors in Martin Evans drawings, and I am inviting any advice to avoid future rectification.

      David Roberts 21
        Nick Clarke 3

          Tending to concentrate on steam loco building, the Model Engineering Clearing House site has information on errors builders have found in this design. You will need to register (free) but if you go to the errors on drawings thread and then search for springbok you will find what you want.

          As an aside, many Martin Evans designs are too wide (Springbok by 3/4" ) and he justified this in print bay saying that the cylinders needed to be wider apart so he made the rest of the loco and tender match. Certainly I have heard the opinion that many of his designs are too wide expressed by club members over the years.


          Edited By Nick Clarke 3 on 06/12/2020 17:23:59

          Dave Smith 14

            If you put a thread on the General section of MECH asking for advice, plenty of people on there have either built or own B1's and will give you any advice needed. One of my fellow club members has a B1 and regularly posts on the site. Same goes for the Speedy (stupid name, why dont people just call a loco by the prototype it was based on).


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