19 August 2024 at 12:46 JA Said:
Interesting – before my time in the aeroengine industry.
Just to explain conventional jet engine fuel (given I retired 15 years ago)-
1. AVTUR (JP1, JP8, Jet-A) – the common fuel. It is paraffin (kerosene) but somewhat dirtier than domestic paraffin.
2. AVTAG (JP4, wide-cut) – A fuel intoduced by the Americans in the late 1940s as a reserve for JP1. It is very similar to petrol (gasolene) and was widely used up until 1980/90s when it fell out of favour because of its volatility (fire risk). However it is still used in cold climates since it gives easy starting in the cold. This would not have contained lead.
3. AVCAT (JP5) – A less volatile fuel used on aircraft carriers.
4. The standard Russian fuel is between AVTUR and AVTAG.
A number of additives are used such as anti-static and biocides.
Other fuels have been used such as Boron based fuels (poisonous and never introduced) and high density fuels.
And also AVPIN – EE Lightning fighter starting fuel (and other RR Avon Jets)