Michael, the Emco has a self ejecting mechanism for the MT2 tooling, it uses the draw bar and the small cap in photo 1. The draw bars are Allen screws and with the black cap in place you unscrew the draw bar until it comes to the black cap then continue to eject the taper.
I appreciate you say the thread is damaged so maybe you cannot use this method, however the type of Clarkson chuck you have has a stabilising collar that is threaded onto to body of the chuck, during use it should be snugged up to the spindle face. You MAY be able to use this feature to release your chuck by using a spanner [supplied with the machines] on the 2 flats on the spindle and a tommy bar in the Clarkson chuck collar it will hopefully eject the chuck — put something under it to stop it dropping onto you mill table !!
Hope this helps John
PS PM me with you email if you want a copy of the instruction book page, look in my albums at Clarkson Autolock