AutoCad..The Magic of trimming


AutoCad..The Magic of trimming

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  • #243915
    Ron Vale

      A mate has given me a copy of this and a small tutorial. It really iseasy whn someone is sitting next to you.Any he passed me a being fit to work on my own, but have hit a small prob with the trimmimng tool

      I select the icon, then the two 'edge' lines but then am a bit stuck on the sequence of operation.I have tied every combination of Enter left Click on Mouse and Delete, but the line refuses to disappear. What do i need to do

      And how do i get rid of a line that has no end.? (imagine a square with the top line extended) how do i remove that extra bit to make it back to a square

      What are the magic sequences please?


      (Finding it a little easier than draftsight)

      Ron Vale
        Martin Connelly

          Select the lines that are the boundaries that you will be cutting to and enter or click the mouse button set up as enter. Then select the piece of each line that you want to remove. Note that if the lines are not all on a single plane you may have problems. This is not a problem if you are using a 2d version.


          Ps sometimes the screen may need refreshing to show the result. Zoom in and out is one way to refresh the screen. 

          Edited By Martin Connelly on 23/06/2016 17:39:19

          Mike Poole

            I have not used Acad for years but I seem to remember that redraw cleared stuff away that made things untidy.



              Bear in mind that for most CAD programs there are dozens of tutorials and quick solutions on Youtube – for instance this one. It's almost as good as someone sitting next to you.

              I find that a combination of the in-built tutorials, a "how to" book and Youtube videos are the fastest way to learn but it's a personal thing. Certainly there is nothing more frustrating than struggling with a feature that you know is there but you can't figure out! Just typing the key words into the Youtube search box and then browsing through the results can save hours of your life. I've found some Youtube channels just connect better with me than others – they are often the CAD "resellers" or training companies (but you don't have to pay for them).

              Personally I struggle with Autocad. There are other (free) alternatives out there that may or may not suit you better. It's a personal thing but you might be advised to try out a few alternatives before investing a lot of your time in Acad.


              Ron Vale

                Thanksfor the quick replies.Much appreciated

                Brian Oldford

                  For all practical purposes once you've mastered AutoCad you have also mastered DraftSight and BrisCad. Moreover they all use the same file format.

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