Better Autocad drawing technique.
Snap (F9) I almost never use. I also leave Grid (F7) off, the little points are annoying. With ortho (F8) on select a point, enter L for line then drag the mouse in the direction you want to go in and enter a specific length, followed by enter. once the first line is drawn you can keep adding lines by entering a new length and pressing enter. Practice doing this say drawing a box. At any time entering C will close the set of lines you have just drawn so drawing a box only takes 3 lines plus C to make the last line.
I do keep Osnap on (F3) most of the time. If you enter Osnap in the command line you can set the points it will snap to.
Oh Important, I Always start my first line at XYZ zero. Enter L then 0,0,0 as numerals not 0's then [enter] then mouse the direction then enter a length then [Enter]. This way the first part of an object (Normally the bottom left hand corner is set at true XYZ zero). Ortho (F8) should be on. Yeah it could be an angled line, I like to start with a straight line.
Drawing lines of a specific length will become second nature after a while. Using snap gets in the way as it limits you to a standard grid spacing. Most real life objects are not built that way.