Attached Cables


Attached Cables

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      You’re clearly getting upset again Robert so I suggest you do what you did last time, before you hurt yourself falling off that high horse. 😉 😆


      Michael Gilligan
        On Vic Said:
        On Michael Gilligan Said:

        Look on the bright-side, Vic … at least no-one can reasonably complain about Kettle-Connectors in a Tea Room topic !



        Yes quite right! You can take health and safety to extremes, as in Robert’s case.

        No, Vic … that’s not what I meant !

        My flippant remark was intended to calm the discussion a little, not to provoke escalation.

        I have great respect for Robert’s expert contributions [whether or not I would choose to act upon them in the privacy of my own environment] and for the obvious sincerity of his input.

        I consider him to be a valuable moderator of our discussions.


          On Vic Said:


          Simply because it’s not inferior to me, it’s much better. I suggest you look at the picture again and perhaps examine an IEC plug and socket a bit more closely. I’ve now got a number of items with these sockets now and none of them have collected dust, why would they?

          Vic, I’m familiar with these plugs and sockets.  The problem with fitting one to a grinder as you have done is:

          • Grinders generate large quantities of airborne dirt
          • Grinders are used in dirty workshops creating swarf, graphite from cast-iron and other conductive mess.   Condensation is also likely.
          • The appliance side of an IEC socket contains a well that can collect dirt.
          • The plug and socket do not seal.
          • The installation tilts the socket making it easy for gravity to drop muck into the well.


          If you want to try it yourself come back in a few years time and prove me wrong, if you can.

          Did you read my post Vic?   I don’t have to prove anything!  Keeping dirt out of plugs, sockets, and switch-gear has been a priority since the earliest days of power electricity.   That dirt hasn’t caused a problem in Vic’s workshop yet is meaningless:   it’s the many thousands of dirt related incidents that resulted in today’s “best practice” that matter.

          I’ve got several pieces of equipment that can be turned on before being plugged in but I’ve never even thought to do that, so I’m wondering why you mention it? Have you had an accident doing that?

          Again, this is an extremely common source of calamities, which is why I mentioned it.    A logical mistake to say  ‘I’ve never even thought to do that‘, as if the operator had a choice!  The danger is an operator plugs in believing the cable is dead, and for any of several reasons it’s not.   What happens next is in the lap of the gods:  a grinder could inflict a nasty graze, but there’s a probability the operator will fall over and crack his head open.

          I’ve been watching Kitchen Nightmares  on telly. They generally start with Gordon Ramsey sampling the food, which the owners believe to be top of the range high-cuisine, only to have Gordon condemn it as ‘cat-food’ or worse!   Then owner goes into denial and flounces off.  Gordon tells him he’s delusional, eventually convincing him with several examples of sh1t bad-practice found in the kitchen and store rooms.

          Done to a TV formula of course but the point is that successful restaurants must serve genuinely good food, not whatever the owner believes is good.    Egotistical owners believe so strongly they are ‘right’, that they attack customers who dare to criticise, and then fail to realise they have no customers because the food is poor, and the obnoxious owner is doing nothing to fix it.

          I suspect Vic has no professional experience of accidents.   Folk who’ve never had to sort the consequences out are far more gung-ho than those who’ve been on the receiving end!   Also had three examples of ‘gung-ho’ elf and safety objectors who disappeared like scotch mist after the accident:  no way were they taking responsibility for their bad advice!

          I hope Model Engineer’s are on the forum to learn as well as celebrate their successes.    Vic’s grinder is an opportunity to learn:  a good idea misapplied to a particular appliance, that the rest of us should avoid!   Not difficult.




            I will say no more on the topic. I received an email a little while ago from someone who visits this forum from time to time. The contents of which I’ll post now. I hope he doesn’t mind. I’ve not mentioned his name. I believe there may be some truth in the observation that triggered the response to my original post.



            RE. Your cable thread (pun!) I like the idea and may be able to use it. Though not on a grinder of course! Don’t tell anyone but for a time I had a PC and laser printer in my old shed, both with IEC sockets. God, how lucky was I they both didn’t explode given the amount of metalwork I did in there! A very lucky escape.


            I don’t think the amount of negativity your thread (there’s that pun again!) has attracted is sorely down to the subject itself. As I remember you seem to have diffused the anti electric vehicle rant of one of the forum members with facts, and I guess he’s not friends with you? People can sometimes bear grudges for a while so you can possibly expect further criticism of any future posts if the last few are to go by. If I were you I might consider the forums “ignore member” feature if it’s still available on the new site. I don’t post much on there anymore as you know. I’m certainly put off by some of the attitude you’ve received and surprised the Moderators haven’t already locked it.

            PS, did that gear puller I sent you do the job, I forgot to ask?


            All the best ####


              I think that is enough now Vic

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