I distrust 99.5% of emails I get from people and "organisations" whom I don't know.
I don't do online banking. I have told my bank that I will only deal with them in person or via letter written on paper and delivered via the UK postal service.
I don't populate my electronic address book. But interesting to learn that you can block any senders not in your address book – I have long thought that this should be a feature.
I don't use my diary function on any of my electronic devices. To easy for hackers to see when your house might be unoccupied.
I don't give out my phone number except to trusted people or friends.
I refuse to have any smart speakers, web based doorbells, smart televisions, or web based security cameras etc etc. I learned to program computers in the 1970's, so I know how easy it would be to harvest data – without the harvestee even knowing.
However; for various recent freelance work contracts this year, I have had to give out my contact number and email address – (for accreditation) – to companies that are supposed to follow GDPR by law. In this last year, I have seen an explosion in junk texts and emails, so those companies – supposedly following and complying with GDPR – are about as watertight as a colander. I have also had office workers – of supposedly GDPR compliant companies – emailing me with my own bank account number and details in an open, unencrypted email……Words failed me.
Am also concerned because my local supermarket now has CCTV screens on the self service check-outs, which record my face as I scan my groceries. This means that hackers can now use facial recognition to connect my face with my credit card, and therefore my name – literally putting a name to a face. Then via hacking driving licence and passport, they have everything they need to steal my identity.
They can take out a loan in my name and then default, potentially leaving me to pick up the pieces.
Sorry about the rant, but I can't sleep !!
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Edited By John Doe 2 on 16/06/2023 01:51:42