Thanks Neil…
Michael.… I suppose a portable head mounted version of the scope would be possible… you would have to make sure you didn't whack the missus on the head with it and a strong neck would be advisable.
John... Mirrors can certainly be made, but they need to have very similar focal lengths or you would have 2 images with different magnifications…and probably a headache to go with it…! The FL's have to be longer than the normal for a Newtonian as the optical path is longer…the FL for the binocs is 43inches.
JA.. I too suffer from a similar problem… I take my time is deciding what project to take on and have a good think about it before committing myself to something far too difficult … its a bit like deciding to get married..
All….. I have microscope eyepieces as they are purchased in pairs which are x5, x10 & x20 … although I haven't determined what the FL's of these are perhaps someone might know… the x20's seem to give a magnification of around 100.
Due to the differing eyepiece body diameters I have had to make sleeves for them to fit the holders, I have made the main holders out of plumbing fittings, however the very fine thread needed to fit the holders I made on my Arduino controlled screwcutting lathe.
The plumbing fittings already have an internal thread which has a tpi suitable for focusing, however, the thread is a bit sloppy and I made some friction compound using around 6 parts Vaseline to one part plumbers jointing compound… it doesn't seem to have dried out over a 4 month period…so far.
There is a problem when trying to find objects in the sky, and some sort of angle gauge is helpful here, I use the Stellarium program to find the Az and Alt coordinates and with the lowest mag eyepiece in one holder and a higher mag eyepiece in the other it makes it a little easier to get an overall view of the area before homing in on the object and replacing the x5 with the paired eyepiece for binocular vision.
By the way… if you are interested, some members of the Bolton Group of Astronomers have made really nice looking versions, albeit open frame aluminium on small stands, try Googling it.
nb…have booked my tickets to the London Model Engineering Exhibition…anyone else going..?
I have posted 2 pics as below…. rgds….Bob.
Various eyepieces and sleeves and threads to go with them.

No…! I haven't got one eyeball 1 inch bigger than the other..! this is to show that you can use the x5 for finding and then whilst it is fixed on the object move it out of the holder and go over to the x10 or x20 eyepiece.