Howard Lewis spotted this ‘incident’ and I found the actual decision here:–uk–ltd-a23-1209400-bmw–uk–ltd.html
… The situation seems more ludicrous every time I look at it.
[correct me if I am wrong, please] It appears that ASA prosecuted this on its own initiative rather than responding to complaint[s]
BMW responded with appropriate piety, and the matter is pretty-much closed.
I found the ‘involvement’ of the Google advertising-machine most intriguing.
But the real point of this Post, is to ask how others feel about the underlying logic of the ASA’s objection:
The ad must not appear again in its current form. We told BMW (UK) Ltd to ensure that ads referring to “zero emissions”; made clear that the claim related to an electric vehicle only when it was being driven.
… aside from anything else, I’m reasonably confident that the BMW [and other] electric vehicles also emit zero when they are not being driven.
Maybe we need a dictionary definition of “zero emissions” before we all lose the plot.